Course: CS7637: Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence

CS7637: Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence is a class in the Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science program. It was originally released in Fall 2014, and has been taught every semester since then; Ashok Goel teaches the class in Fall and Spring, and David Joyner teaches the class in Summer.

The course page for CS7637 can be found here.

Accessing the Course

The course video material is available free to the public at To access the course, go to, create an account, and then click Start Free Course on the course landing page. Note that this provides only access to the video material: the full class experience at Georgia Tech involves several projects, assignments, and exams, as well as interaction with peers on course forums and via peer review.

More Information

For more information, check out the course reviews on the public student-run OMSCS review site.


Below is the first video from the course.



Associated People

Associated Projects

Associated Publications