An Experiment in Teaching Cognitive Systems Online


In Fall 2014 we offered an online course CS 7637 Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Systems (KBAI) to about 200 students as part of the Georgia Tech Online MS in CS program. We incorporated lessons from learning science into the design of the project-based online KBAI course. We embedded ~150 microexercises and ~100 AI nanotutors into the online videos. As a quasi-experiment, we ran a typical inperson class with 75 students in parallel, with the same course syllabus, structure, assignments, projects and examinations. Based on the feedback of the students in the online KBAI class, and comparison of their performance with the students in the inperson class, the online course appears to have been a success. In this paper, we describe the design, development and delivery of the online KBAI class. We also  discuss the evaluation of the course.

Full Paper

The full paper “An Experiment in Teaching Cognitive Systems Online” can be found here.