Paper on “Graders as Meta-Reviewers” Accepted to Learning @ Scale 2016

Our paper, “Graders as Meta-Reviewers: Simultaneously Scaling and Improving Expert Evaluation for Large Online Classrooms”, has been accepted to the Third Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale. The paper, written by David Joyner, Wade Ashby, Liam Irish, Yeeling Lam, Jacob Langston, Isabel Lupiani, Mike Lustig, Paige Pettoruto, Dana Sheahen, Angela Smiley, Amy Bruckman, and Ashok Goel, covers our results leveraging peer reviews to improve the efficiency and usefulness of expert review and grading. David and Dana will present the paper in Edinburgh, UK during the conference, April 25-26.

The presentation is part of the conference’s flipped track, and thus the presentation was recorded and published in advance. It can be found here.

For the abstract and full paper, see the paper’s page on this site.

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