

Honorlock is a proctoring service that Georgia Tech now uses Institute-wide.


Operating System:

  • Windows 10
  • Mac OS 10.13+
  • ChromeOS


  • Google Chrome version 79+

Access Honorlock

Access to the Honorlock is completed from Canvas via Google Chrome browser. Once you enter the current Canvas class, you will see the ‘Honorlock’ link in the navigation pane on the left.

Initial Setup

If this is your first time using Honorlock, you will see the following image requiring you to download the Honorlock Chrome Extension.

  • Select the ‘I agree to Honorlock’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy’.
  • Then select ‘Get Started’.
  • You will be taken to the Chrome web store
    • Select ‘Add to Chrome’
    • If a pop-up shows, select ‘Add extension’
    • Return to Canvas

If everything was successful, you will see the following image.

Complete Onboarding

To ensure your system is compatible and all dependencies are operational, complete the Honorlock Onboarding Quiz by selecting the ‘Launch’ button shown in the following image.

Follow the necessary steps.


Similarly to the Honorlock Onboarding Quiz, you will enter and start the exam. Pay close attention to what IS and IS NOT allowed in both the exam overview and Honorlock guidelines.