Exam 1


  • 9/13/2023 Added information of the new exam formatĀ 

Grade Weight

Exam 1 is worth 12.5% of your overall grade.

Delivery Method

Exams will be delivered via Canvas and Honorlock.

You will log in to Canvas and use the Honorlock tab to take the exam.

Please review the Honorlock information page for an overview.

The exam is open book and open notes.

Observe the course Exam Quiet Period.

Number of Questions

There will be up to 25 multiple-select questions.

Time Limit

There will be a 60 minute time limit.


  • No cell phones, additional screens, computers, or tablets.
  • No headphones (or earphones).
  • No food or drinks.
  • Please ensure you are alone in a quiet area and your webcam is right side up.
  • Do not leave from webcam view.
  • No discussion of exam questions, study guides, or material while the exam is open in Ed Discussions, Slack, WhatsApp, Discord, or any other medium.


Any material in the lecture videos or in the non-optional items listed under Readings/Videos from Week 1 to Week 7 are eligible for inclusion on the exams.

Week 1

  • Lecture 01-01
  • Lecture 01-02
  • Lecture 01-03
  • Lecture 01-04

Week 2

  • Lecture 01-05
  • Lecture 01-06
  • Lecture 01-07
  • Lecture 01-08

Week 3

  • Lecture 01-09
  • Lecture 03-01
  • Lecture 03-02

Week 4

Week 5

  • Lecture 02-01
  • Lecture 02-02
  • What Hedge Funds Really Do Ch. 2
  • What Hedge Funds Really Do Ch. 4

Week 6

Week 7

  • Lecture 02-05

Study Material

The linked study guide questions are in multiple-choice format, which will differ in style from the multiple-select format of the current exam.

You are encouraged to peruse materials from previous semesters and other resources linked below to prepare for the exam. NOTE: The course staff has no guarantee of the correctness of the resource answers as some are student-generated, incorrect, or incomplete. They are meant to be a tool to use for understanding how the questions will be devised. In general, it would be beneficial to only use the questions as a means to research your own answers. Also, much of the code will be in Python 2 so some of the results will differ from Python 3.