Exam 2
This assignment is subject to change up until 3 weeks prior to the due date. We do not anticipate changes; any changes will be logged in this section.
Grade Weight
Exam 2 is worth 12.5% of your overall grade
Delivery Method
Exams will be delivered via Canvas and Honorlock.
You will log in to Canvas and use the Honorlock tab to take the exam.
Please review the Honorlock information page for an overview.
Number of Questions
There will be up to 30 questions
Time Limit
There will be a 35 minute time limit
- closed-book and closed-note (you may not consult any resources)
- No scratch paper or writing utensils
- No calculators of any kind (and not even the one that comes with your computer)
- No cell phones.
- No headphones (or earphones)
- No food or drinks
- Please ensure you are alone in a quiet area and your webcam is right-side up.
- Do not leave from webcam view
- No discussion of exam questions or material while the exam is open in Ed, Slack, or any other medium
Any material in the lecture videos or in the non-optional items listed under Readings/Videos from Week 6 to Week 12 are eligible for inclusion on the exams
Week 6
- Lecture 02-07
- Lecture 02-08
- Market Simulator
- What Hedge Funds Really Do Ch. 8
- What Hedge Funds Really Do Ch. 12
Week 7
- Lecture 02-09
- Lecture 02-10
- Time Series Data
- Decision Tree-Based Trading
- Vectorize Me PowerPoint
Week 8
- Lecture 03-05
- Lecture 03-06
- What Hedge Funds Really Do Ch. 9
Week 9
- Lecture 03-07
- Navigation Project
Week 10
- Navigation Project Strategies for Q-Learner Trader
- Options Trading
- Interview with Tammer Kamel (Ed Lessons)
Study Material
You are encouraged to peruse materials from previous semesters to prepare for the exam